An Alternative Procedure for Seismic Analysis and Design of Tall Buildings
  • Title of the book: An Alternative Procedure for Seismic Analysis and Design of Tall Buildings
  • Author(s):

Mr. Shahen Akelyan 

Dr. Gregg Brandow

Dr. Lauren Carpenter

Dr. Chukwuma Ekwueme

Dr. Sofia Gavridou

Mr. Tony Ghodsi

Dr. Saiful Islam

Dr. Ifa Kashefi

Dr. Kristijan Kolozvari

Dr. Marshall Lew

Dr. Michael Mehrain

Dr. Farzad Naeim

Dr. Thomas A. Sabol

Mr. Barry Schindler

Mr. Philip Yin

Mr. Nabih Youssef

Dr. John Wallace

Dr. Farzin Zareian

Mr. Atila Zekioglu

  • Year of publish: 2023
  • Publication: Los Angeles Tall Buildings Structural Design Council